Wednesday 19 September 2012

About Mitt Romney.

The first debate between the two big contenders who aspire to become the next America´s president (Barack Obama and Mitt Romney) or in other words the most powerful man in the world is to take place in a few weeks time. Every day we will see more and more pieces of news about the two candidates and I want to take this opportunity to talk a little bit about the Republican nominee writing some anecdotes and some interesting facts so that look to the race from a different and neutral point of view as Halcombe Norilsk lives in Spain and he is not allowed to vote (to date) Who will win this gripping race Mitt Romney or Barack Obama? I do not know but I am sure you are going to love this post or at least you will find or learn something new.

Mitt Romney

Any mistake they may commit or anything out of control can affect them too badly, yesterday it was one of the worst days of Mitt Romney and one of the best of Barack Obama as a speech made by the Republican candidate  in a private convention in Florida showed what he deeply thinks about Barack Obama and his voters, he said that just 47% of Americans live because of the Goverment´s funds. Somebody has uploaded the video and you can discover what he said right now.

He considers Obama has a great advantage as there are a lot of people (this famous 47%) who are always to vote for him as they live due to Government funds and they do not pay income taxes at all and if Mitt Romney is going to do some cuts on taxes he seems he is helping the rich.  The speech was made in Florida, he agrees it was made by him and the only regret he has is that the words were not chosen accurately. It can be deemed as a  big mistake even though he was in a private convention because the statement is hard and he needs to explain it. Some hours later, Barack Obama appeared on the Show of David Letterman and he took advantage of the mistake made by Mitt Romney and he referred to it saying that... Will you miss his answer and his latest interview?

It is clear that yesterday was not the best day on the life of Mitt Romney but he has not lost anything yet, in some weeks there is the first debate on television of this campaign ( I admire US elections as they always have three television debates something in Spain does not always happen and sometimes we even do not have any). In consequence, he can still get stronger like the man who is now his best friend. Paul Ryan. Do you know him? Do not worry you only have to read a little bit and discover some anecdotes.

As John McCain did four years ago Mitt Romney has selected a young person who can boost Republican voters and give him a fresh look, the choice was Paul Ryan. He is famous already worldwide but there are other facts about Ryan that are unknown and in spite of being extraneous to the headlines are really interesting and even funny. For example, he has worked in some "not very glamorous jobs" like the one he had one summer when he was dressed as Oscar Mayer driving a wienermobile

                                          Paul Ryan Oscar Mayer

He also worked as a waitress and gym instructor before being into politics, he is a hard worker. As his father, grandfather and grand grandfather died of a heart attack he is a great health-conscious and he does exercise a lot everyday. (Some say he is mad about exercise). His father died when he was 15. What distinguishes Paul Ryan from other Republican politicians is that he is not against gay people and in fact he voted against some Republicans measures to this collective as Paul Ryan has some friends who are homosexual and he believes they do not choose it deliberately. This is really strange when it comes from a Republican top politician.

However, in my opinion,  the strangest thing related to Paul Ryan is that he loves "noodling" which (to my amusement and surprise) is a sport where a person catches catfish with their bare hands, believe it or not it is popular in the United States and illegal in some parts of this country.

Everybody supposes that Hollywood is always on the side of Democrats, nevertheless one of the best filmmakers and actors in cinema history made an historic speech at the Republican convention making clear that there is a wide range of opinions in Hollywood. We are talking of course of Clint Eastwood, the man who has appeared and made some of the best movies in cinema history, a true legend, he was on the side of Barack Obama four years ago but now he considers the president of the United States a farce, his speech in the Republican convention was historic, humorous and witty, you can enjoy it now.

Clint Eastwood´s support towards Mitt Romney and his jokes against Barack Obama came as a surprise and it was a great gesture to Republicans. However, a week later one of the best members of the history of Democrats helped Barack Obama, something he was not obliged to do and something in fact he did not do so clear in the past, Bill Clinton who has a great support from male white Democrats made a great speech and they managed to overshadow what Clint Eastwood humorously did when he was speaking to an empty chair occupied  by an invisible Barack Obama. You can enjoy a great speech from an historic politician.

Democrats should not rely on Hollywood fully, not only did Clint Eastwood criticise Barack Obama, what is more and in spite of the fact almost every star in the sky of Hollywood is on his side a new great documentary has been released name 2016: Obama´s America where the life and past of Barack Obama is depicted, as it says You hate or you love Barack Obama but you do not really know him. Here you can watch the trailer of 2016: Obama´s America which can help you to understand who Obama really is

It seems that this documentary has created controversy and it has gained the support of many people who are going to vote for Romney. Democrats instead has received a great help from the best producer in Hollywood Harvey Weinstein who is going to release a new brand film about the hunt of Osama Bin Laden  made by the only woman who has ever won an Academy Award in the category of best director, her name is Kathryn Bigelow, it depicts the search and hunt of Bin Laden, the film is named Zero Dark Thirty. Most people think this film is to help Obama as the hunting for Osama Bin Laden is a milestone in the history of the United States. Harvey Weinstein has expressed his support for Obama. You can watch the trailer now.

Mitt Romney is a wealthy man, he has achieved a vast sum of money throughout his life, his wife is also a millionaire, she is a devoted wife and women who has cared for Mitt Romney and his family, they have 5 children and  between 200 and 250 millions of dollars in different banks. The pair met in High School and they are still together after 50 years. As far as religion is concerned,  Mitt Romney is  a Mormon, it means  he can not drink alcohol at all, he can not follow an ostentatious lifestyle and he believes everything he lives is a test and exam made and arranged by god. He gives a lot of money to poor people like  the 3 million dollars he gave last year to charity.

Last but not the least because as a matter of fact can be the most exciting matter on this post we are going to say what is the most loved Mitt Romney´s rock band and as it is The Killers (Brandon Flowers is also a Mormon) you can enjoy now the last great song The Killers have made.

Halcombe Norilsk does not know who is to win the US Election but we really know The Killers is a superb band and his latest hit is great!!! I also hope you have learned something enjoyable.

Fall is coming, look for a jacket!!


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